List of researchers who want to defeat aging

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List of researchers working in aging research. Great but ideally we need more detailed list, including their personal stance (if any) towards defeating aging.

List of researchers roughly sorted by their publicly expressed desire to defeat aging

It's a very incomplete list as yet.
Maybe we need to take list of researchers and google "<name> defeat aging" or "<name> transhumanism" or smth like that, to try to quickly find people who have expressed publicly their desire to defeat aging.

Aubrey de Grey. The most famous one.

George M. Church. The most famous one as well.

João Pedro de Magalhães, bigerontologist. Has personal website
Quotes showing his desire to defeat aging and his desire for more funding: "While government funding exists to support scientific research, including research on aging, this is largely inadequate. To put things in perspective, the US government spends twice more money on defence R&D than on biomedical research and its defence budget is >15x the total budget for biological and biomedical research (NIH, NSF, etc.); other countries are similar and the UK government spends >10x more on defence than on research. The problem is not only that funding is not sufficient to allow progress at a sufficient pace, but government funding is often misdirected <...> Given the above problems with science funding, the current situation is one in which progress is being impeded by the lack of funding (and money is very tight at the moment) and the imperfect allocation of existing resources. <...> By helping spread the message that aging is a problem that can and should be tackled, by raising awareness to the idea that aging itself can be cured, you will help move us closer to a cure of aging."