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This page contains texts of current Open Letters.
It's +- up to date, but for the most current versions please go into this googledoc.

Open Letter on aging, to European Parliament

Open letter to the European Parliament: launch the Moonshot Project to grant people choice to stay healthy and alive, including in their elder years and beyond, for as long as they desire.

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

We, the undersigned scientists, healthcare professionals, and concerned citizens, urge you to launch a Moonshot Project to develop breakthrough technologies that have the potential to keep people healthy and alive for as long as they desire, and allocate to that Moonshot at least $20 billion per year, with a gradual increase to a minimum of $100 billion per year by 2030.

Importantly, it shouldn't be done through decreasing funding for already established research institutions in health science or in other areas of fundamental and applied science.

We believe that most of us will immensely benefit from this Moonshot Project.

  • For most people, this Moonshot Project will increase their healthspan and quality of life in old age
  • Economically, it was estimated that a slowdown in aging that increases life expectancy by 1 year is worth trillions of US dollars [1][2]
  • Socially, it addresses the challenges posed by aging populations and declining fertility rates as Europe and other regions transition to new demographic patterns.
  • Some of us would benefit even more: they would live to the time when aging is optional, and death of old age is a choice, not an inevitability.
  • Most of us would have a choice to use better technologies of cryopreservation [3] if diagnosed with a terminal illness, to increase the chances they'll be back again to see the future and enjoy being alive and healthy for as long as they wish.

While there may be concerns about certain aspects or consequences of granting individuals the right to choose how long they want to stay healthy and alive, we believe that these challenges can be met with careful consideration and regulation. The potential benefits in terms of extending human life, improving healthcare, and offering hope far outweigh the risks.

The question is not whether humankind will find these technologies to make aging optional, to make death of old age a choice. The first person who will see that future is most likely already born. The real question is, how many of us who want to see that future, will have that choice.

We ask all supporters to sign and make the utmost effort to ensure that this Moonshot Project is launched.

[1] Scott, A.J., Ellison, M. & Sinclair, D.A. The economic value of targeting aging. Nat Aging 1, 616–623 (2021).
[2] Goldman, D. P., Cutler, D., Rowe, J. W., Michaud, P. C., Sullivan, J., Peneva, D., & Olshansky, S. J. (2013). Substantial health and economic returns from delayed aging may warrant a new focus for medical research. Health affairs (Project Hope), 32(10), 1698–1705.

Open Letter on aging, to US Congress

Open letter to the US Congress: launch the Moonshot Project to grant people choice to stay healthy and alive, including in their elder years and beyond, for as long as they desire.

Dear Members of Congress, and Mr President,

We, the undersigned scientists, healthcare professionals, and concerned citizens, urge you to launch a Moonshot Project to develop breakthrough technologies that have the potential to keep people healthy and alive for as long as they desire, and allocate to that Moonshot at least $20 billion per year, with a gradual increase to a minimum of $100 billion per year by 2030.

Importantly, it shouldn't be done through decreasing funding for already established research institutions in health science or in other areas of fundamental and applied science.

We believe that most of us will immensely benefit from this Moonshot Project.

  • For most people, this Moonshot Project will increase their healthspan and quality of life in old age
  • Economically, it was estimated that a slowdown in aging that increases life expectancy by 1 year is worth trillions of US dollars [1][2].
  • Socially, it addresses the challenges posed by aging populations and declining fertility rates as the USA and other countries transition to new demographic patterns.
  • Some of us would benefit even more: they would live to the time when aging is optional, and death of old age is a choice, not an inevitability.
  • Most of us would have a choice to use better technologies of cryopreservation [3] if diagnosed with a terminal illness, to increase the chances they'll be back again to see the future and enjoy being alive and healthy for as long as they wish.

While there may be concerns about certain aspects or consequences of granting individuals the right to choose how long they want to stay healthy and alive, we believe that these challenges can be met with careful consideration and regulation. The potential benefits in terms of extending human life, improving healthcare, and offering hope far outweigh the risks.

The question is not whether humankind will find these technologies to make aging optional, to make death of old age a choice. The first person who will see that future is most likely already born. The real question is, how many of us who want to see that future, will have that choice.

We ask all supporters to sign and make the utmost effort to ensure that this Moonshot Project is launched.

[1] Scott, A.J., Ellison, M. & Sinclair, D.A. The economic value of targeting aging. Nat Aging 1, 616–623 (2021).
[2] Goldman, D. P., Cutler, D., Rowe, J. W., Michaud, P. C., Sullivan, J., Peneva, D., & Olshansky, S. J. (2013). Substantial health and economic returns from delayed aging may warrant a new focus for medical research. Health affairs (Project Hope), 32(10), 1698–1705.

Open Letter on cryonics, to European Parliament

Open letter to the European Parliament: launch the Moonshot Project on research and development of reversible human cryopreservation.

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

We, the undersigned scientists and concerned citizens, urge you to launch a Moonshot Project to develop technologies of reversible human cryopreservation, and allocate to that Moonshot at least $2 billion per year, with a gradual increase to a minimum of $10 billion per year by 2030.

Importantly, it shouldn't be done through decreasing funding for already established research institutions in health science or in other areas of fundamental and applied science.

Cryonics is a legitimate science-based endeavor [1] aimed to offer dying people the choice to stay alive and healthy instead of dying, using very deep cooling that almost stops chemistry processes until future technologies would be able to bring these patients back to life and restore their health.

Current cryopreservation procedures have a large potential for improvement, in order to increase the probability of success. Unfortunately, this field of science receives a very limited amount of funding.

While there may be concerns about certain aspects or consequences of reversible cryopreservation, we believe that these challenges can be met with careful consideration and regulation. The potential benefits far outweigh the risks.

We ask all supporters to sign and make the utmost effort to ensure that this Moonshot Project is launched.


Open Letter on cryonics, to US Congress

Open letter to the US Congress: launch the Moonshot Project on research and development of reversible human cryopreservation.

Dear Members of Congress, and Mr President,

We, the undersigned scientists and concerned citizens, urge you to launch a Moonshot Project to develop technologies of reversible human cryopreservation, and allocate to that Moonshot at least $2 billion per year, with a gradual increase to a minimum of $10 billion per year by 2030.

Importantly, it shouldn't be done through decreasing funding for already established research institutions in health science or in other areas of fundamental and applied science.

Cryonics is a legitimate science-based endeavor [1] aimed to offer dying people the choice to stay alive and healthy instead of dying, using very deep cooling that almost stops chemistry processes until future technologies would be able to bring these patients back to life and restore their health.

Current cryopreservation procedures have a large potential for improvement, in order to increase the probability of success. Unfortunately, this field of science receives a very limited amount of funding.

While there may be concerns about certain aspects or consequences of reversible cryopreservation, we believe that these challenges can be met with careful consideration and regulation. The potential benefits far outweigh the risks.

We ask all supporters to sign and make the utmost effort to ensure that this Moonshot Project is launched.
