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Generally, life expectancy depends on income really much fig.2 p.5. As the income percentile increases, male life expectancy rises almost linearly from 75 to 87 (in USA). fig.6, p.7 -- From the 20th to the 100th percentile the life expectancy grows linearly by 5 years, from 81 to 86 years (in Norway)

Australians vs billionairs vs state leaders life expectancy

Amazingly, billionairs or state leaders don't live considerably longer than just ordinary Australians.

How long do billionaires live?
The oldest living billionaire is just 100 years old (just sort by age). There are also 3 98-year-old billionaires, 15 billionaires in age 95-97, 53 billionaires in age 90-94. (the numbers are as of 28.01.2023)

Here's a list of billionaires who died in 2018:
Their average age at the time of death: (75+98+79+80+89+65+82+79+94+89+95+89+79+87+88+53+78+93+72+78+67+86+101+90+87)/25=
82.9 years

Here's a list of billionaires who died in 2020 (no one died of covid, it is claimed):
Let's remove from the statistics the billionaire from Russia, who was shot at the age of 52. Without him,
87.4 years

Here is how much (current or former) state leaders live: the record is 98 years as for jan2023.
After death of the Queen Elizabeth II at 96 years, the oldest currently living state leader is just 89 years.

How much ordinary Australians live?
Meanwhile, among the most common Australians who died in 2018, 3.6% died between the ages of 95-99
0.45% died at age 100 or older, 11.6% died at the age of 90-94
(there is link "data", where you can download the table with statistics)

Why income does not ifluences lifespan very much for a person motivated to live long?

Income influences lifespan mostly because wealthy people tend to have healthier lifestyle.
They don't hesitate to spend money on healthy food, regular checkups, etc. People around them also control their health giving a good example.
Motivated transhumanist also would spend money on healthy food and regular checkups.
Wealthy people have professional doctors who recommend modern efficient advices or drugs.
Motivated transhumanists at least able to differentiate good doctors and their advices from bad doctors who would recommend f.e. homeopathy.
Wealthy people can afford ultraexpensive medicine but "While branded drugs are getting much more expensive, generics are actually getting cheaper. And generics comprise the overwhelming majority of prescriptions — nearly 90%" expensive branded drugs prolong life mostly for a short time and to a few people.

Most of the healthy lifestyle requirements are not too costly, and some super-expensive drugs and surgeries usually do not extend life that much (and usually only a very sick period of it).