Vladimir Shakirov personal page: Difference between revisions

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I will write in more details later. To put it very briefly:

I think open letters are of the utmost importance.
I think this wikipedia is also very important.

As far as I remember myself, I always wanted to live forever. When I was like 4 years old I just thought by default that people live forever. After I realized that's not true, I always wanted to live forever but only when I was ~20 years old I found out that there are many scientists and organizations who want the same and try to do their best to defeat aging and age-related diseases.

I graduated from MIPT (Moscow institute of physics and technology), have finished postgraduate education. Here is my google scholar page. Aside from my main interests in radical life extension, I have numerous interests in neuroscience, deep learning, fundamental physics, life evolution, history of science and civilization development, etc.

Here you can find several of my landing pages for newcomers.

That's very concise as for now. Will try to add more details later.