Landing page for newcomers (by Vladimir Shakirov), variant 2: Difference between revisions

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The fight of science over aging and lethal diseases shall be treated like war. Aging and lethal diseases decrease quality of life steadily, so it's often unbearable in 70 years because of death of friends, poor sight, hearing, appearance, potency. It's difficult to walk, the heart hurts etc etc...
Aging and lethal diseases destroy 50 million people every year. Even World War II destroyed several times less people each year.

A considerable group of scientists as well as many organizations have long been trying to convince governments to launch a very large world project for victory of science over aging and lethal diseases, placing emphasis on the fact that if it is launched, our generation (and maybe our parents) will be able to live up to their second youth - the youth that we will return back with the help of science. Aging is curable, we just do not know how yet. But we must learn, otherwise we will simply disappear forever, and this doesn't fit to a reasonable person in the 21st century.

I recommend to read "Ending aging" by Aubrey de Grey.

Our task is as follows:
1) to spread the idea and knowledge among all whom we can reach
2) collect as many signatures as possible under open letters, including, of course, our own
3) urge politicians to launch an international project that would ensure the victory of science over aging and lethal diseases asap
4) in every possible way, by all available means, to help the victory of science over aging and diseases

Here is the list of articles of this wiki, sorted by length.
You probably heard about some objections to radical life extension. We discuss them here as well.
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