Sitting too much decreases lifespan: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 01:05, 7 June 2024 (222k australians)
Sitting less than 8 hours per day has almost no effect on lifespan. Sitting 8-11 hours per day gives RR ~1.1, more than 11h/day => RR ~1.4
Table 2: with increasing physical activity, the harm from 8-11h/day decreases. Though harm remains in >300min/weak physical activity group (300min is really not much though).
Sitting much is harmful even if there is enough moderate2vigorous activity
Table 2: - even adjusted for moderate2vigorous (model 3), 3rd quartile of sedentary time (>9.2h) greatly increases all-cause mortality, RR 2.74 (1.35 - 5.52).
2nd quartile (>7.6h) also increases all-cause mortality (even if not very statistically significant).
Used accelerometer. Sedentary means <100 counts of accelerometer per minute.

Btw, 2k counts/min is MET 3; 6k - is MET 6 , pp.2-3