Record of successful being on ECMO

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V/V ECMO case of 300+ days on ECMO V/V 2010y - case of 107 days on ECMO V/V (survived for 351 days post-transplantation). "The total length of ECMO support of 107 days required replacement of 48 oxygenators, 21 pump heads and three cannullae". Before that case they say the record was 57 days. - "ECMO was maintained for 36 days" that's VV ECMO

A/V ECMO 87 days. "In total, 2699 runs over 14,747 days of VA ECMO were analysed <...> The duration of ECMO support varied (0–87 days), with a long tail of long-term support: 75% of patients were supported for less than 1 week and 96% were supported for less than 3 weeks". Though not sure how successful that case with 87 days was.
Though if they mean this case[1] there 87 days were composed of 26 days on VA ECMO and 61 days on VV ECMO. - "we describe the first 2 reported cases of children with adenoviral pneumonia who survived after more than 30 days of ECMO support".
Case 1: "36 total days on ECMO", "On HD no. 7, the patient was placed on venoarterial (VA) ECMO <...> "On HD no. 19, the patient was briefly trialed off ECMO but failed conventional management and was placed back on venovenous (VV) support after less than 48 hrs"
case 2 - 37 days on A/V ECMO (seems)
though fig.1 shows that survival in adenoviral is much less than in other infections so need to search more