List of most viewed videos on anti-aging

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The main list

8.4 mln views. 270k likes. Kurzgesagt "Why age? Should we end aging forever?" Made with help of
7.5 mln views. 258k likes. Kurzgesagt "How to cure aging - during yout lifetime?" Made with help of
7 mln views. CGP Grey "Why die?" 236k likes 2022sep
3.5 mln views. Is this how we will cheat death? Very good.
2.6 mln views. Very good. "Why we age and how can we stop it" SciShow 50k likes 2022sep
1.6 mln views. More life - Decoding the secret of aging | DW Documentary. "Can the aging process be reversed - or even halted, altogether? If we manage to decode this final mystery of our human biology, we might soon be able to eradicate age-related illnesses like cancer, dementia and heart problems." btw, from comments: "We are proud to announce that this documentary has won Best Science Film at the Prague International Film Festival 2022." Mentions Alex Zhavoronkov, Maria Blasco, Greg Fahy and others.
1.6 mln views, supports us, top comments mostly support us. Aubrey de Grey is also mentioned in the video. 16k likes 2015 jul
1.6 mln views, Michio Kaku on How to reverse aging, about sirtuins and caloric restriction, optimistically. 15k likes 2011 may
1.06 mln views. The Science of Slowing Down Aging | WIRED

870k views. "Is it possible to stay young forever?"
780k views. The fable of the dragon-tyrant. CGP Grey channel
742k views, We're Shockingly Close To A Cure For Aging | Answers With Joe.
731k views. Scientists Uncover How to Reverse Aging
588k views, "How Close Are We to Immortality?"
500k views, supports us. Very good video. The only drawback is lack of any Call to Action (neither political nor any other).
473k views, Longevity Expert Answers Aging Questions From Twitter
466k views, supports us. 10 technologies that can make us immortal. Good video.
436k views Michio Kaku on that we are the last generation that would die. (Good motivation to demand launch of an all-out war on death btw)
405k views, Transhumanism & Digital Immortality | Will We Be Able to Live Forever? This is good video, with bio way.
400k views, "Anti-Aging Expert Reveals Secret to Staying Young | Dr. Alexander Paziotopoulos on Health Theory". The video begins with the phrase: "In about 50 years the technology would be to reverse your age and basically be close to immortal"
370k views — good about senescent cells.
291k views Transhumanism and Immortality
228k views - This is how close we are to biological immortality
220k views — good video (but without Call to Action).
213k views — good video about Kurzweil predictions on immortality.
220k views — Michio Kaku "We can stop aging"
118k views - The Effects of Longer Lifespans
109k views - The Science of Aging & Life Extension

Total: >42M views.

Aubrey de Grey speeches

625k views (as of 2023jan), TED, year ~2007. Great speach though perhaps lack of clear Call to Action
554k views (as of 2023jan), TED, year ~2014.
357k views, Aubrey de Grey: Centenarians Have One Thing in Common
276k views (as of 2023jan), TED, year ~2015.
99k views Ending Aging | Aubrey de Grey | Talks at Google

Total: >1.5mln views

Videos with David Sinclair

5.3 mln views, Harvard Professor REVEALS How To SLOW & REVERSE AGING | Dr. David Sinclair
2.1 mln views, David Sinclair | Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To | Talks at Google
1.9 mln views, What to Eat & When to Eat for Longevity | Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair #2
1.6 mln views, David Sinclair on How Fasting Can Help Fight Against Aging
1.2 mln views, Researchers Say They Are Close To Reversing Aging
562k views, David Sinclair: Extending the Human Lifespan Beyond 100 Years | Lex Fridman Podcast
435k views — great speach of David Sinclair on TED. Great from the very first seconds.
Sinclair is a very good speaker. F.e. here he tells that extending healthspan to 80-90s would save trillion dollars easily.

Total: >11M views

Several famous people supporting radical life extension ideas

George Church, PhD: Rewriting Genomes to Eradicate Disease and Aging, 43k views
S. Wolfram - Immortality Will Be Achieved, 39k views
Peter Diamandis - We don't have to die, 14k views
Peter Thiel - We Must Fight Aging, 10k views
R. Kurzweil & R. Freitas - Death must be cured, 10k views
Zoltan Istvan - Immortality Within Reach, 8k views
George M. Church - Age Reversal, 19k views
Perhaps there are other versions of these videos with larger number of views.

Videos which are not too radical but form good positive view on anti-aging and longevity

17 mln views. 1.3M likes. About 1 minute video but for that time quite good!
6.8 mln views, How to slow down aging (and reverse it).
3.8 mln views, quite good immortalist view of Mr.Beast who has 179 mln subscribers on Youtube.
3 mln views, Can ageing be delayed, stopped or even reversed? BBC News
2.9 mln views, The Future of Cancer Research | Freethink.
1.4 mln views, How Long Will You Live?
1.2 mln views, 24 Hours of Death, Part 1
722k view, Live 200 Years? This Is How You Could Do It. Has a link to in description. Btw, "In late 2021 took ownership of this popular Youtube channel"link. It has 3.25M subscribers.
693k views, Dr. Berg's Anti-Aging Seminar
374k views, Cancer May Have Finally Met Its Match! Has a link to Aubrey in description.
238k views, REVERSE AGING: What To Eat & When To Eat For LONGEVITY | Dave Asprey

Total: >12M views

9.2 mln views, Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant. Though I doubt that most viewers got that dragon symbolizes aging.
3.1 mln views, Peter Attia on The Best Exercises for Longevity
1.6 mln views, Top 5 Facts About Living Forever

Total: >13M views

Just funny:
7mln views, Comparison: What If You Became Immortal? - This video is funny and mostly positive)

Videos like "top 6 not aging animals" etc

28mln views CRISPR video from Kurzgesagt (aka "designer babies")
7.5mln views, 6 almost immortal animals.
1.5mln views, 10 Animals That Hold The Key To Immortality
1mln views, 5 Immortal Species (about negligibly aging animals)

Total: >38M views

Videos not in english

German (Deutsch):
1.2M views, Ewige Jugend – sollten wir das Altern stoppen? This is german version of Kurzgesagt "Why age? Should we end aging forever?"
1.2M views, Können wir das Altern noch zu deinen Lebzeiten stoppen? This is german version of Kurzgesagt "How to Cure Aging – During Your Lifetime?"
254k views, Werden wir ewig leben? | 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles. Seems like supports us)
214k views, Wie wir den Code des Alterns knacken | DW Doku. This is Deutsche Sprache version of popular DW documentary.

2.8M views, How to defeat aging? | Alexander Panchin
387k views, How to defeat aging | Maxim Skulachev
276k views, Aging is a disease | Mikhail Batin
259k views, How to cure aging? | Peter Fedichev at PostScience.
also russian:
3.9M views and even more now, "Time has not come yet". Despite of a pessimistic name of video, despite some other minuses, overall stance is positive. And more than 400k likes.
also russian (not videos):
Moscow newspaper with ~300-500k circulation (number of copies) speaks about immortality with very large letters on main page[1], March 2022.

679k views, ¿Cómo curar el envejecimiento ahora que aún vivimos? This is spanish version of Kurzgesagt "How to Cure Aging – During Your Lifetime?"
534k views, ¿Por qué envejecer? ¿Deberíamos detener el envejecimiento? This is spanish version of Kurzgesagt "Why age? Should we end aging forever?"

Other notable videos

11M views, Can You Upload Your Mind & Live Forever? by Kurzgesagt. Overall stance is mixed as the topic really is.

Videos against us

Well even those videos help people think one more time about aging and death.
8.4 mln views. What If No One Ever Died? | Immortality | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz. Comments are closed)
5.2 mln views. If superpowers were real: Immortality - Joy Lin. Top comments support our ideas)
2.9 mln views. You Don’t Want to Live Forever. Top comments support us)
2mln views. However top comments support our ideas.

See also

List of most viewed videos on cryonics
List of YouTube channels on anti-aging
TODO: Add videos on growing organs and body; maybe on transplantation of the head; by keywords "immortality", "transhumanism" etc
as well as these search queries in different languages; searching not just by video name but also by playlist/channel name
as well as translations of popular videos in other languages like Kurzgesagt in Deutsch. Probably exists in French, Spanish, maybe Indian? China? Russian? etc