Radical life extension facebook groups

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More relevant:
10k members, Immortality. 1 to several posts a day, ~dozen likes, sometimes a few comments.
Ending Aging Now, similar in parameters with Open Longevity. About dozen posts/week. Several to sometimes several dozen likes, sometimes several or rarely several dozen comments. https://www.facebook.com/groups/transhumanistparty/ many posts with not so many comments and likes. Though topic is relevant and we might try.

https://www.facebook.com/InternationalLongevityAlliance/ is not really active.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/longevity.alliance/ better
https://www.facebook.com/groups/4410586435/ it seems like admin appoves new posts rarely so sometimes it's ~30 posts per day and sometimes a month w/o posts.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/closingtheeastwestgap/ worth some mention
https://www.facebook.com/peopleunlimitedinc/ interesting

Less relevant:
8k members. Once was longevity party. Now about supplements etc. Many posts without likes and comments.
26.6k members, Scientific transhumanism. Very active group, many posts and comments, not really relevant.
26.5k members, Singularity network. Just 1 to several posts a day, without many comments.
12.2k members, Egalitarian transhumanism. Not really active. A few posts per month.

In Russian:
7k members. Open Longevity. About dozen posts/week. Several to sometimes several dozen likes, sometimes several or rarely several dozen comments. Yury Novikov, Vladislav Stepanov, Yi Peke and some other
In russian vk:
https://vk.com/longtech 1-7k views of every post, regular posts, at least several posts a week on radical life extension (among other posts). Good group. 72k subscribers. A dozen up to several dozens likes per posts, sometimes a few comments.
https://vk.com/thuman 500-1000 views of post, regular posts focused on immortality/h+. Good group.
In russian no updates but were good:


https://www.facebook.com/edouard.debonneuil/ interesting person, has some projects for you to participate

Aubrey de Grey. New posts are rare though might get dozens to hundreds of likes, dozens of comments. 23k subscribers
Gennady Stolyarov. One to several posts a day but only ~1 post in several days is relevant. Usually several likes and no to several comments. 3.1k friends, 1.2k followers.
https://www.facebook.com/lady3millennium/ just a good activist. Nice to see her work.

In russian:
Mikhail Batin. New post about every day. Every post is connected to radical life extension research or promotion. Most posts get dozens of comments and dozens of likes. Posts and comments are mostly in russian. Followed by ~10k, ~2.5k friends
Alexey Moskalev. New post about every day. Most posts are connected to radical life extension research, sometimes to promotion. Most get several comments, dozens of likes. In russian. Followed by 4.4k.