Is Longecity worth its money?

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This is a page with my considerations about whether I would spend $25/year to register on Longecity forum.

Also it worth to mention that forum name mentions "Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans" so theoretically it's a good place to discuss advocacy & research.

List of topics with new messages for the last 7 days

(as for 13 - 20 march 2023)


Community => Longecity
Introduce yourself - presumably 1 message (that forum is private so can't see), 16 march 2023 by Allevi

Community => News & Resources
"News" => 25 new topics (16 by Reason, 9 by Steve H), of them 23 without replies, 1 with 1 reply, 1 with 2 replies.
"Multi-Media => Creative" => 3 new replies in topic "Father's Epitaph". 1st reply asked "what to get my dad for Father's Day", two other replies were several-word messages about condolences.

Community => Groups & Teams
No new messages/topics for the last 2 weeks. Two subforums have their last messages in 2019 year. Looks sadly.

Community => Immortality Institute
Members only section, so no access even in read-only. So no incentive to join comes from that section.

Overall about community Section
25 new topics (16 by Reason, 9 by Steve H). 7 new replies in topics, at least half of them not very informative.

Science & Health

Science & Health => AgingResearch
"Aging Theories" => 1 new reply consisting of 5 words which are "Thanks John Hemming and Mind." The last previous reply was one year before.
"Biomarkers & Genes" => Michael Lustgarten created 2 topics with a link to his YouTube video in each (no explanatory words in post besides topic name, just a link). <brr/> Also 2 good messages (1 of them is by Michael Lustgarten) about epigenetic clocks.
"Telomeres" => 2 new messages (one by x-num and Mind). One not really informative, one is good.

Science & Health => Medicine and diseases
"Cancer" => good new topic from timedilation.
And another one topic with 4 good quality messages.

Science & Health => Supplements
"Regimens" => 2 decent but short and auxiliary replies
"Resveratrol" => 2 new replies from spammers (advertise gifts for Father's day)
Two replies in topic about c60 oil.
7 replies in "Manipulating mitochondrial dynamics"
2 ultra-short several-words replies in Nicotine topic.
Also 2 new topics and 1 reply about NMN (Sinclair style).
1 new topic with 2 extra messages (1 of them is really elaborated) about EPA/DHA.
And another 2 high effort and 3 low-effort posts in other supplement-related topics.

Science & Health => Brain health
"Mental health" => 1 medium-effort post
"Nootropic stacks" => 2 medium-effort posts
"Neurointerface" => 3 medium-effort posts
Also 2 new topics, and also 2 low-effort and 3 medium-effort posts.

Science & Health => Lifestyle
3 medium-effort and 2 low-effort replies.

Overall Science & Health
4 high, 39 medium, 9 low effort posts. Mostly about supplements.

Round Table Discussion

Round Table Discussion => Business
No new messages.

Round Table Discussion => Technology
2 medium-effort posts.

Round Table Discussion => Risks & Survival
"Covid" => 3 high, 9 medium, 1 low effort posts.

Overall Round Table discussion
3 high, 11 medium, 1 low effort posts. Almost all about covid.

Overall conclusion

Overall conclusion. In a week:
Community: 25 new topics (16 by Reason, 9 by Steve H). 7 new replies in topics, at least half of them not very informative.
Science & Health: 4 high, 39 medium, 9 low effort posts. Mostly about supplements.
Overall Round Table discussion: 3 high, 11 medium, 1 low effort posts. Almost all about covid.
So, some news (~3-4/day), ~7-8 messages/day mostly about supplements, ~2 messages/day about covid.
Not really a kind of value for which I want to pay $25/year.
However, potentially this forum might become better. But no way I believe in future of this forum if any charge on registration remains. Unless major breakthrroughs happen (and even in that case other forums will get more attention which would not have a registration charge).