One hundred ideas for life extension agenda promotion

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Longevity-onboarding instruction. Great one! Great.

Main list

All of this have been done (or at least tried) in some way for many times and by dozens of people.
All of this should be done more and more until something gets the needed effect.

  1. make a great convincing Wikipedia to crystallize efforts of many people from many countries to make a convincing case for anti-aging research and work out the best practices of life extension agenda promotion. Go to the list of all pages (sorted by length) and improve them!
  2. write open letters of scientists (and other people) to governments, billionaires, NIH-like organizations etc with a justified request for considerable increasing the funding of life extension / anti-aging research. There could be many different open letters which could be crystallisation centers of increasing public support of the topic.
  3. also for Moonshot Project promotion it's important to write some short chains of handshakes from our activists to Congress Members: I do know there are many really short chains, it would be good to write them explicitly.
  4. viral advertising in social networks (with donations exceeding advertisement costs you can get viral effect)
  5. write a convincing book
  6. launch a cool YouTube channel (with popular science on anti-aging research and/or with motivational videos on how we shall unite to defeat aging)
  7. political parties for more funding of research of aging and aging-related diseases (like Gesundsheitpartei in Germany)
  8. launch a cryonics company of better new format (more open, with a nice viral advertisement, etc)
  9. launch a business courses for life extension activists for them to earn much money and invest into biotechnology and aging research lobbying
  10. lobby aging research in parliaments (as f.e. Elena Milova does)
  11. impressive political actions, pickets
  12. organize lectures on the science fight vs aging at the world's leading universities
  13. buy advertisement of our ideas in social networks, websites, youtube channels etc
  14. launch a non-stop online conference on life extension and aging research
  15. assemble a team of smart and motivated people, get some funding for their work, and let them analyze the whole accumulated mountain of articles on aging theories etc and give a detailed answer on what experiments could be the best to stop aging and aging-related diseases
  16. find a billionaire who donates large money to fulfill to the very best one or several (or may be even all!) ideas in this list. Just imagine: there are ~2550 billionaires and ~2480 of them are 40+, ~2275 of them are 50+ [1]
  17. launch an international congress/conference devoted to defeating aging (there are many such conferences but most of them aren't really ambitious)
  18. identify a set of highly influential/rich people possibly prone to our ideas and realize a strategic plan on convincing them via all possible means (f.e. via their friends.. remember the Six Handshake theory etc).
  19. send anti-aging materials to deputies of all levels and all countries
  20. create an environment (like f.e. AGCT telegram chat, or regular reviews of the most interesting papers published in the previous month) which would be interesting for real scientists and so involve them gradually into our problems (as well as meet with each other. Potentially it can
  21. invent a fun game for volunteers to give them more motivation to promote our ideas
  22. increase number of options in this list
  23. try to infiltrate / convince / connect to similar but more influential societies (like anti-cancer groups, or even NIH and its analogues in other countries: there are really many countries, it should succeed in some)
  24. there are many people who actively volunteered for life extension projects for some time in their lives. Most of them are in a kind of dormant state: they tried something and decided to wait for better times. If we manage to return those people +- simultaneosly to our projects, the projects could succeed.
  25. write a +- detailed proposal of where would you spend X money on life extension research or promotion (with X = $1k, $10k, $100k, ..., $100bln). Just in case if some wealthy person asks us what can be done for X money and we have what to tell about that
  26. convince the population of a small country (Denmark has ~5.8mln people) to proclaim victory over aging as a government policy. Maybe win elections. Or just convince right influential people like prime minister or deputies.
  27. Publish a thousand video messages from different people supporting increased funding for life extension projects. See for example this video[2].
  28. help relevant motivated students to find a good scientific supervisor, to find a good department. Help relevant motivated high school students to get into best available universities. Sometimes even just a good advice given on time is worth a lot.
  29. Make a public board of paid tasks. Like freelancer boards but in life extension field. The tasks could include consultations, tutoring, creating lists of smth, or lists of lists of smth. etc. People could offer their services and wishes.
  30. analyze if anti-aging science and radical life extension is really top 1 topic to prioritize, or may be there are other more important topics like may be AI safety research? Because AI progress moves really fast and could dramatically change our midterm future (while probably helping to solve aging in a process).
  31. Overall, there is a very urgent task of putting together all people in the world who are interested in radical life extension promotion. Currently and for many years already, many of them, especially in local non-english language based communities (especially very numerous and highly motivated russian language based communities) are very disconnected from english-language communities (which are also somewhat disconnected from each other). This can be tried to fix (a) with developing this wikipedia (b) with developing a good english-language discord server (c) with developing a good english-language radical life extension telegram chats (or perhaps less likely facebook groups). To make a list of active supporters of transhumanism (who have ever been any way active, at least actively talking about this topic in social networks, for example) in the world and in Russia. And send them all personal invitations to our chats, projects, and questionnaires; structure them by cities, help supporters find each other in nearby foreign cities and develop their organizations inside their countries, infect them with activity, etc
  32. Here is list of members of European Parliament: it's good idea to follow some of them in hope that they see your page or follow you back. Many of them have similar number of followers and following. Also, if you search "aging list:1309515957128302593", you see what European Parliament members talk about aging. You get list number from its hyperlink.

Simple tasks everyone can take part in

  1. go to Radical life extension discord servers and just chat there about radical life extension. Nothing is probably simpler than that but it's very important. Though try not to discuss common distracting topics like philosophy, politics etc. Try to focus on radical life extension science (perhaps science news) and promotion.
  2. translate to english (or find its english version if it exists). Currently, allows to translate really fast.
  3. translate all (or the best of) posts of Mikhail Batin to english (posts in Facebook and in livejournal). Here is the page for the project.
  4. collect a data base of people who actively volunteered (or wanted to) in life extension projects. Write info about them (what they want/can do, what they find most important, etc)
  5. promote life extension ideas in wikipedia. Write new pages, edit old pages.
  6. Make summaries of various life extension discussions/posts (f.e. relevant telegram chats, or all Mikhail Batin facebook posts, etc). There is a ton of semi-lost and semi-forgotten useful information there.
  7. write books, poems, songs, draw pictures about noble fight of the science against aging
  8. make relevant memes. A good example is
  9. make a database describing all life extension activists in the world. What are their competencies, what would they like to work on? So this database (constantly refreshing) could help them know each other and find partners for creating the teams.
  10. make a research on how people become life extensionists? What are the most convincing arguments and counterarguments?
  11. make a database of most convincing arguments and counterarguments. Make a chatbot who would automatically convince people using that database
  12. read all history of Mikhail Batin (and other activists) posts on Facebook (and other web places) and conspect all important thoughts and phrases into some mega-book of accumulated ideas, lists of ideas, convincing posts etc.
  13. distribute flyers about life extension near best universities
  14. tell your friends and colleagues about radical life extension. Recall those influential people whom you know through just 2 or 3 handshakes (like maybe you know someone who knows influential person). Try to deliver information about radical life extension to them, it's very important.
  15. Help us create List of researchers who want to defeat aging. Take list of researchers and google "<name> defeat aging" or "<name> transhumanism" or smth like that, to try to quickly find people who have expressed publicly their desire to defeat aging.

Ambitious tasks everyone can try (at least within a team)

  1. launch a continous never-ending video translation with scientific and popular science reviews, reports, etc, following one another
  2. make a telegram bot able to convince people why life extension should be funded as top 1 priority. Telegram bot should answer most common questions (about overpopulation etc) and help interested person to find out how the person can help.
  3. viral video (List of most viewed videos on anti-aging)
  4. or at least make any decent convincing and motivating video with call-to-action and ask popular pop-sci channels to publish it
  5. launch a cool and informative website
  6. make a mobile app with detailed, individualized, justified advices on how to live longer
  7. make a computer game with life extension values

Tasks requiring some relevant competencies

  1. make a concise pages with viewpoints on aging of several researchers like f.e. Vadim Stepanov. It might help to better understand each other.
  2. Video course on aging. Or text course (preferably interactive)
  3. as well as course on aging promotion. And intro course for newcomers.
  4. make a social network for life extensionists
  5. Help us understand what is the most cost efficient way to advertise our ideas

Tasks requiring considerable funding

  1. launch a conference on aging

Try to solve some problem in aging science and hope for the best

General points: get a team of motivated professionals, analyze all available literature on the topic, suggest some combinations of interventions, get a result. Hope that the result solves essential problems in life extension or at least raises massive interest to the topic of life extension.

  1. Try to grow human organ in chimeric animal, see [3].
  2. Try to double mouse life expectancy
  3. Try to successfully cleave glucosepane cross-links (at least in skin to rejuvenate it) and so generate a massive interest to this (probably one of the most important) aging mechanism
  4. Try to develop technologies for successful unfreezing of cryopreserved mammal (f.e. rat, and then primate). Hope that would generate a massive interest to the similar research for primates and people, leading to inventing successful technologies for reversible cryopreservation of people. Consider that frog "H. japonica is able to survive temperatures as low as -35 °C"[4], and (about another frog species), "Siberian populations exhibit 0% mortality at -8℃, 25% mortality at -10℃, and 50% mortality at -12℃. A few members from a population from Karasuk were able to freeze solid to -16℃, thaw, and survive."[5]. Maybe we just learn how these frogs can manage that, and apply that to humans.
  5. Launch a project for animal head transplantation (beginning from clones/identical twins and heading towards human head transplantation)
  6. Make better colonoscopy and advertise it, thus reducing colorectal cancer death f.e. by half. See Cancer. One can make a fortune on that.
  7. Alternatively, think up a way to detect cancer much earlier when its genetic heterogeneity is small and it can be cured. See Cancer.

For specific groups of people

  1. For high school students: do your best to enter the best available university, preferably in biotech-related or AI-related fields.
  2. For students: do your best to enter best labs studying aging. We urgently need more our activists within NIH (and similar) structures.
  3. For wealthy people: consider funding anti-aging research, as well as funding people who work on implementing ideas from the list you are currently reading.