Futuristic cell reprogramming

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If we can reprogram cells to do some extra work (f.e. reprogram T-cells to clean vessel walls or kill cancer cells, or clean tau-proteins etc) it would be really great. The part with killing cancer cells is already developing btw (CAR-T). Machine learning should help with that.

Useful functions might include:

  • To modify the genome to give cells new abilities - to eat and break down oxidized lipoproteins in the walls of atherosclerotic vessels, to dissolve calcium deposits there
  • to kill cancer cells (hello CAR-T)
  • to eat tau-protein aggregates in the brain, etc.
  • Replace old cells by reprogrammed stem cells progeny.
  • Being in the blood, regulate its parameters.
  • Being in the blood, more effectively destroy cancer cells when metastasis is attempted.

See also Deep learning based body growing.