Landing page for total newcomers (by Vladimir Shakirov)

From agingresearch
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Many scientists believe that science can defeat aging and age-related diseases, maybe within our lifetime.
Our goal is to see that future with our own eyes.
The future without aging, cancer, heart diseases, frailty, without age-related disabilities and dementias.
That future will come of course, eventually, due to progress in medicine.
The main question is, will we be the last generation to die of aging, or the first generation to defeat aging and live healthy lives as long as we want?

There are many organizations which try to help science to defeat aging asap.
There are numerous ways how you can help science to defeat aging.

Here is the list of articles of this wiki, sorted by length.
You probably heard about some objections to radical life extension. We discuss them here as well.
You can chat with people who share our ideas on Discord and on Facebook.