Nature Outlook

From agingresearch
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Some of recommended articles:


Could CAR-T-cell therapy offer hope to children with cancer? - good read about CAR-T-cell therapy (CAR = chimeric antigen receptor)
A long session on prostate cancer (among USA men, it's the most common cancer to die of<ref> (click "New cases, deaths and survival")</ref>:

Several articles on aging:


The mouth’s curative superpowers wounds in mouth heal much better than in skin and leave no scars
Stem cells
Stem cells and spinal-cord injuries: an intricate issue
The rise of the assembloid
Stem cells: highlights from research
The chimaera challenge - growing human organs in animals
Reversing blindness with stem cells
The promise and potential of stem cells in Parkinson’s disease
Stem-cell start-ups seek to crack the mass-production problem
The next frontier for human embryo research - scientists managed to grow mice embryo for 7 days which is 1/3 of their normal gestation of 3 weeks. (Road to growing mouse in vitro! and maybe to human organs growing in vitro?)
MiWEndo Solutions: using microwave technology to improve colonoscopies see Cancer

A sensitive strategy for tumour surveillance