Priority list of topics for this wiki development

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The topics would be sorted by subjective importance from high to low.

Life extension technologies feasible currently or in the nearest future:

  • Head transplantation to animal clone. What are the chances of success (transplanted head lives for many months, has clear consciousness and behaves +- as normal)? What are main possible difficulties? What would be the consequences for life extension research?
  • Is it better to transplant brain with or without (or with some part of) spinal cord?
  • Can we teach recipient T-cells not to reject new second head? like here<ref> Section 5</ref>
  • Would brain age slower if transplanted to young body? Why?
  • Encyclopedia of what to do to live longer? like, what physical activity is optimal, how much of light/moderate/vigorous physical activity should be, what diet leads to the longest life, what are the best waist and weight, what sleep pattern is optimal, what rest heart rate and VO2 max are optimal, does income really influences lifespan of a motivated transhumanist and how much, etc etc. like on website |
  • How many years can you live if you do everything almost right? (perhaps, for several standards of "doing everything almost right"). Spoiler: +- 90 years if (wrongly) not counting for radical life extension achievements in future.
  • Would body still (at least a little bit) attack the clone's transplanted organ?
  • Can we teach T-cells not to attack transplanted brain? How hard and expensive is that? How much time it takes?
  • What is current progress in organoids/organs growing? What are main difficulties and what are their chances to be overcome in nearest-to midterm future?
  • Comparison and review of aging theories. Which one is better?
  • What are current clinical trials? What hope can they bring to?
  • What are the chances that cryonics works? What is the most cost-efficient way to improve those chances?
  • Imagine you want to spend a budget of $X to help science defeat aging. What is the most efficient way to spend that money? (assuming X = $1000, $10000, ..., $100bln).
  • Make page with timeline of life extension related research, adding each month a bunch of best papers which were published recently, with detailed descriptions
  • Make conspect of all posts of Petr Kondaurov (and may be Mikhail Batin or other people) about head transplantation experiments.

Life extension tech feasible in mid-term future: (somewhere in 5-20 years, in the dawn of AGI era)

  • How feasible is artificial blood? Or maybe it would be easier to use immunocompatible chimeric animal to supply brain with blood? (though blood composition might differ too much, especially with hormones etc). What kind of chimera that animal should be? (what would be from human and what from animal?) how feasible is such chimeras now? Maybe it would be easier to use anencephalic clone?
  • Technologies of anencephal clone. How we can grow thousands of anencephal bodies for them to be source of so much needed organs for transplantation (including even head transplantation to anencephalic clone).

Life extension tech feasible in long-term future (may be in 20-30+ years, definitely in some new AGI-shaped era)

  • How feasible is replacing 1% of the brain with new piece of nerve tissue, waiting till it forms needed connections, then replacing another 1% until we get new young brain? In that future we could also pretrain in vitro newly grown 1% of brain to ease interconnection. However, long-distance connections with distant Brodmann zones or with different brain structures will be hard to grow from zero.
  • What are other possible similarly radical ways to keep brain young?
  • What are perspectives of fusing cranial and spinal nerves to some kind of matrix? Is it best way to solve aging problem?
  • Some middle-term to long-term future technologies that are far from feasible now but could be feasible in 10-20-30-50 years especially with developing machine learning field. Like maybe deep learning based organ growing. This point is just for overall optimism)

AI safety

  • AI safety. How important is that compared to radical life extension research and promotion? Consider that with current dramatic rate of AI improvement it could change everything (including the rate of life extension progress which it already influences considerably) and even become to pose existential threat (either by itself or in hands of malevolent people) in just one or maybe two decades when your age would be about maybe 40 or 50 or 60 with still almost no chances of death from aging.


List of illustrative videos on atherosclerosis and other diseases. How much are probabilities of plaques in different regions, arteries, veins? etc


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