Radical life extension discussion platforms

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Facebook groups and discord servers

Radical life extension discord servers
Radical life extension facebook groups


Highly relevant but very low activity:
r/Longevity. Several (say 3-6) topics a day, about several dozens messages a day. It's a decent source of news. Not as good for discussion. F.e. see topic that it was Sam Altman who gave $180mln to Retro Bio. Just 20 messages, with some of them even not on that topic. Still, it's a good potential place for scaling up. Also, it has staggering 144k members!
r/Transhumanism. Several (~9) topics a day, most of them without/almost without comments. The overall stance is good, but not really active.
r/Cryonics. Several topics per week.
r/Furutism. About a dozen topics per week, almost all of them without comments.
r/SENS. Several topics per week, some with comments.

Less relevant but activity is better:
r/Supplements. Quite active. in some kind resembles to me nestarenie.ru telegram chat
r/Scientific Nutrition. Several topics per week, in some kind resembles to me nestarenie.ru telegram chat

Very active but relevancy is not that large:
r/Singularity. Very active. Dozens of new topics a day, many with comments. However, posts about RLE are rare.
r/Futurology. Quite active. Dozen/s of new topics a day, many with comments. However, posts about RLE are rare.
r/Nutrition. Quite active. Dozens of new topics a day, many with comments. However, posts about RLE are rare.
r/Fitness . Quite active, but not really about RLE.


https://t.me/Aging_Research_Group (600 members)
Longevity InTime Products in Telegram Group, 80 members. Has a channel with 3276 subscribers. It seems to be Oleg Teterin group.
https://t.me/joinchat/g06IROfJRJFjNTM8 (33 members)
Sideloading, 18 members, quite active group

Russian language:
AGCT chat of Open Longevity, 2291 members, very active
https://t.me/nestarenieRU_1, 1265 members, very active
https://t.me/SEMENTSEV, 864 members, active
https://t.me/open_longevity, 760 members, active
KrioRus life, 555 members, active
https://t.me/LifeExtensionForum (465 members), very active
Mathematics in aging, 334 members, active
https://t.me/makecryonicsgreatagain, 262 members, active
https://t.me/transhumanist_club, 233 members, active
https://t.me/transhuman_by, 78 members, active
To age or not to age, 56 members, active
also russian (but less relevant):
https://t.me/kocherga_now, 748 members, active
add: Cryo_no_ban, longevity_speaking_club
also russian (but channels):
Immortality or global catastrophe?, 695 subscribers, active

Spanish language:
https://t.me/transhumanistas, 69 members, not too active

Medical discussion for professionals, 4323 members, somewhat active

Other places

https://www.longecity.org/forum/ It requires $50/year or $25/year for registration. Is Longecity worth its money? <= it has ~12 messages a day (which are mostly about supplements, covid and news by Reason and Steve H wihout discussion).

Lesswrong ~forum is very active but mostly about AI now.

Effective altruism life extension forum - almost dead. Their main forum is alive though; see also f.e. alive AI safety topic on their forum. They also have a cool map of their community with hundreds of regional departments, and most of them have websites or facebook groups (often private though).

TODO: check whatsapp,