Review on

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Very good understanding of urgency and scale of the aging problem: "Each day, 5,000 Americans perish from age-related illnesses. Globally the figure is probably upwards of 80,000 <...> We live in an era whereby limitations on maximum lifespans are likely to be soon vanquished <...> There is tremendous urgency to move human rejuvenation projects forward"[1].

Website suggests to sign a petition to FDA to allow research without FDA approval.

They suggest experimental therapy consisting of 4 steps:

  • mTOR inhibition (e.g. with rapamycin)
  • NAD+ restoration (infusion/patches)
  • Eliminate senescent cells (senolytics)
  • Young plasma/umbilical cord stem cells

List of their physicians includes 43 physicians in US and 5 physicians outside of US.

They have some forum which is almost not attended:

Their current interests include: (Ctrl+F "our current interests" at

  • Rapamycin and Rapalogs
  • Stem Cell Regeneration
  • Young Plasma Infusion
  • NAD+ Restoration
  • GDF11 Restoration
  • Thymus Regeneration
  • Senolytics and Senomorphics
  • Therapeutic Extracellular Vesicles
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
  • Self-Funded Clinical Research
  • Clinical Trial Development