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Several good videos with many millions of views were created with a crucial contribution of
8.4 mln views. 270k likes. Kurzgesagt "Why age? Should we end aging forever?" Made with help of which is mentioned in video description. (also says: "our president Keith Comito was involved in the creation of this video"[1])
7.5 mln views. 258k likes. Kurzgesagt "How to cure aging - during yout lifetime?" Made with help of which is mentioned in video description.

In late 2021 took ownership of popular science YouTube channel "Life Noggin"[2]. It has 3.25M subscribers.

As of 2020, helped to collect over $390,000 in support of eight research projects[3].
As of March 2023, helped to collect $750k which resulted in 1 publication.[4] organised 5 "Ending Age-Related Dieases" (EARD) conferences in New York (annually, 2018-2022).
In 2022 online EARD conference (YouTube playlist) were such speakers as George Church, Brian Kennedy, Steve Horvath, Michael Lustgarten, Vadim Gladyshev, and 29 other great speakers.
In 2021 online EARD conference (YouTube playlist) were such speakers as Greg Fahy, João Pedro de Magalhães, Aubrey de Grey, Reason, Steve Horvath, Michael Lustgarten, and many others.
In 2020 online EARD conference (YouTube playlist) were such speakers as Brian Kennedy, Michael Greve, Steve Horvath, Aubrey de Grey, Judith Campisi, Alexey Moskalev, Alexander Fedintsev, and many others.
In 2019 EARD conference (YouTube playlist) were such speakers as Aubrey de Grey, Joe Betts-Lacroix, Michael Greve, Maria Blasco, Greg Fahy, Reason, Morgan Levine, Michael Lustgarten, Peter Fedichev, Andrei Gudkov, Vadim Gladyshev, João Pedro de Magalhães, and many others.
In 2018 EARD conference (YouTube playlist) were such speakers as Aubrey de Grey, Joe Betts-Lacroix, Vadim Gladyshev, and many others.
It's hard to estimate numbers of attendees of conference because there are no views of attendees at videos. From what is seen, I estimate attendance of offline 2018 and 2019 conferences roughly as one or a few hundred people. This view of audience from 2008 hints more to ~50-100 attendees.