Vladimir Shakirov general edit policy

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The general policy for articles written by Vladimir Shakirov in this wiki:
(1) In most cases, the only acceptable edits is adding text. Please do not delete anything I have written. If you want me to delete something, add remark (preferably with link to arguments (which can be on one of your wiki pages)) to delete that text.
(2) Under constraints of (1), feel free to make minor edits. You are welcome.
(3) Under constraints of (1), feel free to make medium edits if they don't change subjective mood/opinions of article and its overall high-level structure. (4) Under constraints of (1), feel free to insert brief notes (preferably with link to arguments (which can be on one of your wiki pages)) when you don't agree with me.
(5) For large edits (especially changing structure) please make your own version of article.
(6) If you feel your own version of article shall be shown at main page instead of my version, feel free to contact me via messengers. You are very welcome.
(7) If you feel that you and I can cooperate and make our collective version of article, feel free to contact me via messengers, You are very welcome. That's one of the main reasons for the very existence of this project - to boost cooperation in aging / life extension research knowledge base creation.

My messengers: @schw90 in telegram; https://www.facebook.com/shakirov.vladimir.9 at Facebook.