Where to get X money on life extension research or promotion

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  • NIH funding is about $40bln/year. To double that, you need to get $40bln a year. US clearly has at least 200mln working people. So you need just extra tax of $200/year ($16.67/month) to double NIH budget. The same applies to other countries as well. For a small enough extra tax country can double its health research budget.
  • NIH funding is about $40bln/year while USA budget is about $4trln/year. So NIH funding is just about 1% of USA budget. To increase NIH budget twice you just need to cut all other expenses by ~1%.
  • Life extension research is crucial to prevent catastrophic economical effects of population aging, see f.e. this paper[1].
  • Aging is immensely costly for economies. Progress in aging research could free vast amount of resources.
  • In 2018, healthcare cost the United States was $3.6 trillion[2] while NIH budget was just ~$0.027 trillion[3], just 0.75% of total healthcare spending (see also here). Maybe it's worth to decrease healthcare spending by 1% to more than double NIH funding? That probably would do much more good than harm.
  • So many resources are spent now on war, including economic war. It would have been much wiser to spend a little portion of that resources to successfully advertise radical life extension ideas => prevent that war => spend freed resources on life extension research. That was really worth trying at least.
  • See also this (google search for "government waste billion")