Where to spend X money on life extension research or promotion

From agingresearch
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  • Give a well deserved bunch of grants to Aubrey de Grey.
  • Triple funding for Buck Institute of aging as well as for several other highly motivated teams in aging research.
  • there are many cheap ways to motivate much more high school students to learn relevant subjects much better, especially considering bright high school students from developing countries. Gift beautiful modern books for good grades and stimulate with cash prizes for victories in the olympiads.
  • the same applies to university students as well. There are many students in developing countries who would really spend much more time in the field if they get extra $100/month for that.
  • in science, so much depends on good statistics. No matter how many mice you have in your experiment, you always can test more ideas or to get more statistically meaningful results with more mice.
  • additional prizes for achievements could motivate scientists work harder
  • if scientist would be able to hire several more additional assistents (not especially with primary competence in aging or biochemistry but maybe in computer science or statistics or other useful fields) the research would move faster
  • There are many good ideas of experiments coming from highly motivated teams which for various reasons fail to get enough funding (f.e. they are considered too new or too risky; or these people don't currently have enough papers in the field but are good professionals open and willing to applying their experience to new field). Some part of additional funding could go to financing such projects.
  • Announce a competition for grants on aging, age-related diseases and reversible cryopreservation research, and the community of world researchers would handle the rest.